Friday, December 14, 2007

A Loving And Lavished Father (1)

When I was in primary school, I was diagnosed with scoliosis, a condition where my spine was slightly curved or arched. Before my first pregnancy, I had never suffered from the effects of this back condition. However, I began experiencing chronic lower back pain when I was expecting Caleb, my firstborn, in 2001. The pain was so excruciating that I just could not find the perfect position to sleep at night. My physical condition was further worsened by the "pride of pregnancy", whereby my back was arched backwards in order to support the growing size of the foetus, in my third trimester. My gynaecologist, Dr Dolly Wee, told me that it was very common for expectant mothers to experience some kind of lower back discomfort during pregnancy. She went on to explain that the onslaught of pain would be earlier and more severe in subsequent pregnancies! However, she added that the pain should subside and go away once the baby was delivered.

When I delivered Caleb in March 2002, instead of getting better, my condition became execrable! I felt like my entire backbone was breaking apart! My physical condition hindered me from performing the simplest of tasks, like carrying baby Caleb, bending my back to wash my face and carrying things from one place to another. I felt like an "old lady" at the age of 29! I endured the tormenting pain for about two years and I even thought of seeking medical help.

In February 2004, Daniel and I started attending New Creation Church (NCC) and we were greatly impacted by the anointed sermons of Pastor Joseph Prince. Pastor's teachings are really solid spiritual food that is fit for the spirit, soul and body. I began listening intently to the series of sermon CDs on "How To Receive Divine Healing" and immediately applied what I heard (partaking of the Holy Communion, confessing God's Word, praying and worshipping in the Spirit and giving thanks).
My miraculous healing took place some time in November 2004 and I only discovered the manifestation of my healing when I met a friend, Iris Liew, in a neighbourhood park. She was one of those caring Christians who had prayed earnestly for me. The first thing that she asked was about my back. I realised, to my amazement, that the pain was no longer existing! I started bending and twisting my back effortlessly right before her very eyes. Praise the LORD! I am completely healed after about more than three years of suffering, and now, my back feels as good as new!
In January 2005, I discovered that I was pregnant. According to my gynaecologist, I actually conceived in December 2004, i.e. about a month after I was divinely healed of that chronic back condition. Throughout my second pregnancy, I did not experience any lower back pain at all! My loving Abba Father always knows best and His timing is always perfect.
When I began to comprehend more and more of the depth and intensity of my Father's love for me, and the importance and significance of the LORD's Supper, I experienced a few more miracles. One day, while nursing Caleb at home, I discovered that the benign lump (the size of a grape) in my right breast had disappeared! On another occasion, I visited Optic Point (in Jurong Point) to have a new pair of spectacles made. After the eye check, the optometrist, Dorothy, reported that my left vision had improved and the astigmatism of my right eye had gone down!
My Abba Father is so GOOD!! I had only asked to be healed of my lower back condition, but it gave Him great delight to lavish upon me with many more blessings, which I did not even ask or think. Ephesians 3:20 says, "Now to Him Who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us." I used to depend on other Christians (especially pastors and leaders) to pray for me though there is nothing wrong with asking others for prayer support sometimes. However, I now know that the same power that raised Christ from the dead is residing in me and it is always at my disposal. So, let us ask and think BIG and our loving and lavished Abba Father has to/will exceed our requests!
God's Beloved

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