Monday, August 25, 2008

The Wonder of The Anointing Oil

On 16 May 2008, I shared that I met Betty, who had suggested that I left the cover of the piano open so that Caleb could practise for his exam on a more regular basis. He took his practical exam on 10 July, at 9.20am.

Before Caleb's exam, my pastor preached on the subject of the anointing oil over a few Sundays in June. I was very excited and I started applying the anointing oil (olive oil that had been prayed over by Pastor Prince) on Caleb's hands every night when he was sleeping. I prayed as I was applying the anointing oil. I even prayed over and anointed his piano!

The night before his piano exam, I faithfully anointed Caleb's eyes, ears and hands and prayed for God's favour to be upon him again while he was sleeping. I believed that when I anointed him with the anointing oil, those areas that were anointed were set apart for God's use and His glory. Though Caleb was a little nervous (to the extent that he had 'butterflies' in his tummy) before he went into the exam studio, I knew that the Lord had taken over control of his eyes (to see the notes correctly), ears (to hear correctly, aural) and hands (to play the pieces skilfully).

This afternoon, when Ms Connie Lim arrived at our home, she broke the joyful news that Caleb had passed the Grade 2 practical exam with a merit! She has not given me the full details yet. Ms Lim was glad and relieved that Caleb had done well for his maiden exam. All glory to God!

God's Beloved