Yesterday, I had the privilege of talking with Betty, one of the mothers, whose children were also studying at Gracefields Kindergarten. I was sharing with her that Caleb's piano examination was drawing near, in July, but he did not seem to be very motivated to practise the piano examination pieces every day. Betty shared with me that her daughter's paino teacher had suggested leaving the cover of the piano open so that Hannah could play it whenever she wanted or wished. And the result was, Hannah played the piano! Even though it was just five to ten minutes, at least, she played!
So, this morning, I deliberately left the cover of the piano open, awaiting for the magical moment to occur. Lo and behold, Caleb hopped onto the bench and started striking the keys! He played for about fifteen minutes on his own accord! And he continued to play in this manner as and when he walked past the piano during the course of the day. This method is so much better than getting him practise at a stipulated, definite time. Thanks, Betty! I really met the right person, at the right place and at the right time.
God's Beloved