Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Vertical View Versus Horizontal View

Tonight, Daniel and I had the opportunity to bring our Filipino buyers, a very friendly and patient couple, to view two four-room flats at our home ground, i.e. Choa Chu Kang. The first unit that we went to was at a low floor. Daniel remembered very vividly through his 'sowing' (or farming) that one particular owner at that level had indicated that he wanted to sell his flat, but only after the Chinese Lunar New Year. Altogether, Daniel met up with that owner for about three times. So, when we went up to that level, it was truly the same owner who was selling his flat, but through another agent, who happened to be our friend's husband (OK, also my recruiter-cum-manager)!

It may appear that a highly possible opportunity of earning 2% commission had eluded from our grasp (my horizontal view), but we thank our Abba Father that He faithfully and divinely provided us with this lovely Filipino couple. Later, I found out from my friend that the owner's vision was partially impaired due to a viral attack and he and his wife were not working as the latter had to take care of him. No wonder I found it strange that he could not seem to recognise Daniel when we reached his home and only after talking with him for a while, he mentioned that he found Daniel's voice (instead of face) very familiar. They needed to 'downgrade' to a smaller flat in order to use the sale proceeds to finance their daily expenses.

Even though my friend was the one helping the owner to market his property, I still thanked Abba Father that He provided us with a buyer instead. I told Daniel that if we were the ones to help the owner market his property, I would feel terrible if I were to collect 2% commission from him after knowing the couple's plight. My Abba, in all His omniscience and agape love (His vertical view), spared me from that awful feeling.

I also learned from the tele-conversation with my friend that someone was keen to purchase the flat and had made an offer. The owners were not Christians, but my dear friend was touched by the Lord to reach out to this young couple. I was very encouraged by my friend's godly testimony.

The real estate business is not just about selling or buying houses and making good money, but about the people whom you deal with. If agents treat people with love, respect and integrity then we will be treated likewise, though not always and in the same measure. Nevertheless, my trust is in my faithful and loving Abba, Who constantly watches over me and guides me with His righteous right hand. Moreover, I also believe in God's infallible system of sowing and reaping, i.e. you reap what you sow.

"Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. The one who sows to please his sinful nature, from that nature will reap destruction; the one who sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers." Galatians 6:6-10

God's Beloved

Monday, March 10, 2008

Home-Viewing Lovers

I'm beginning to enjoy what I'm doing as a real estate agent. I remember when I was young, I always loved visiting my friends' homes, just to see how they looked like. Now, as an agent, I have the licence to view as many homes as I want to without breaking the law of "No Trespassing"!

Last Sunday, I accompanied Daniel to his viewing appointments in Mei Ling Street and was very privileged to view two units of executive apartments (EA) and one unit of executive maisonette (EM) in two blocks. I was particularly impressed with one of the EA units, where the female owner, who is a homemaker, took great pride in keeping her huge home perfectly immaculate! I was told that the renovation was done twelve years ago ever since the family took possession of the property. I was truly amazed by her quest for excellence in housekeeping as everything about the home looked rather new even after more than a decade of residing in it!

I was also able to strike a meaningful conversation with the wife of one of the sellers. When I entered the couple's home, I saw pieces of children's work pasted on the walls and asked her whether she was a teacher and found out that she was formerly a secondary school teacher, who later resigned from the service to care for her four children. Moreover, I also found out that she knew my aunt and uncle, who are staying at a different level in the same block! She mentioned that she watched my aunt's grandsons, Joel and Jedd, grow up since they were very young. She chortled, "What a small world!"

I thank Abba Father for connecting Daniel and me with other brothers and sisters-in-Christ through our property business. Two of the three homes that we brought our buyers to view yesterday belong to Christian families. Praise the Lord!

If you are interested in properties (EA/EM) in Mei Ling Street, please call me at 9720 7985 or Daniel at 9172 8817.
God's Beloved